Our acupuncturist, aside from being APHRA registered, is gentle acupuncturist, who aims to provide a pain free Acupuncture experience. He works with teenagers, tradesmen, mums, the elderly and everyone in between.
Services offered include Chinese Acupuncture, Massage, Cupping, Moxa, Herbal Formula and Lifestyle Advice as per your health situation or need. In addition to providing great, effective treatment, he aims to help you better manage your health through simple holistic health practices and tailored Lifestyle Advice. He does this by listening to you, understanding
your Chinese Medical Diagnosis and working with you to bring function into three main areas of your health:
Stillness – Yin, parasympathetic nervous system, rest, sleep, ‘down time’.
Movement – Yang, sympathetic nervous system, action ‘go go go’.
Cleanse – Digestion, diet, nutrition, gently cleansing, ‘the middle’.
Empowering these three areas can help you better manage your health.